
Product overview

Der RAL K7 Farbfächer liegt aufgefächert auf einem dunkelgrauen Untergrund. Rechts daneben sind verschiedene helle Muster zu sehen. | RAL FARBENThe RAL K7 colour fan is fanned out on a dark gray background. Various bright patterns can be seen to the right. | RAL COLOURS
Product overview RAL Colours

In our product overview you will find all the important information about the individual articles from RAL COLOURS. A quick overview of our products, systematically based on the RAL product lines.

Price list

Price list RAL Colours

Would you like to purchase a product? Our current price list contains all the important information for your order. You can easily place your order in our shop.

Light reflectance values

When it comes to colour design for exterior paints, the brightness of the colour used determines, among other things, how much plastered surfaces and thermal insulation are exposed to heating, natural temperature fluctuations and, as a result, possible damage. The values are of great importance to architects and other professions that deal with the design of building facades.

The so-called light reflectance value (LRV) measures the brightness of a colour tone and indicates the amount of energy in the range of visible light that is reflected from a facade. The value for black corresponds to 0, that for white 100. Due to heating (day) and cooling (night), dark surfaces are exposed to higher thermal fluctuations than light surfaces.

Light reflectance values RAL

Further documents


KNOW + IMPROVE is a work tool which saves time in the areas of design, (interior) architecture and industry to develop successful products and atmospheres. Colour is often confused with simple colourfulness and leads to uncertainty in planning. The 15-part colour range gives designers the freedom to play with their contexts with the certainty that they can fall back on a proven colour selection.


With the three RAL colour palettes RAL CLASSIC, RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus and RAL EFFECT, there are a total of 2,540 predefined colours to choose from. But what actually characterises the three colour palettes? What are their similarities and differences?
In the convenient overview, the three colour palettes are compared and the associated tools are shown.


Education has always been of great importance to us, which is why we are committed to bringing the diverse topics related to colour closer and making them accessible.
Find out now how you can benefit from the RAL education discount and what else we have in store for you in terms of education!

Ral Classic - Colour Names

In addition to the RAL codes, each RAL CLASSIC colour shade is also provided with an associative colour name. These are available in eight languages.

RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus - Colour names

In order to facilitate the worldwide use of the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus, we support clear, simple colour understanding based on associative colour names. These are currently available in five languages.


With the 2018 revision we have raised the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus for professional colour design to a new level. You will find all the highlights at a glance in our flyer.

developments of RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus

We have continuously developed and modernized the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus for you over the past decades. Here you will find an overview of the changes in the included colours.

RAL P1 / RAL P2 – Colour overview

Here you will find an overview of all shades of the plastic colour samples RAL P1 and RAL P2 as well as other useful information.

RAL K5 INDIVIDUAL auf Wasserbasis zur Nutzung als Werbemittel. | RAL FARBEN RAL K5 INDIVIDUAL water based for use as an advertising medium. | RAL COLOURS
RAL Individual Information sheets

RAL INDIVIDUAL offers a high degree of flexibility in the design of your personal RAL fan. The information sheets give you the orientation with regard to the printing and the design. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.