Das Bild zeigt einen RAL K7 Farbfächer der RAL CLASSIC Farbsammlung, der auf verschiedenen Materialien liegt. Der Fächer ist aufgefächert und zeigt einige Farbtöne.

RAL CLASSIC colour collection | RAL COLOURS
The picture shows a RAL K7 colour fan from the RAL CLASSIC colour collection on various materials. The fan is fanned out and shows several colour tones.


The RAL CLASSIC Colour Collection

For almost 100 years RAL shades with their four-digit numbering have been a global standard for modern colour schemes in architecture, design, industry and skilled trades. The initial 40 colours in the RAL CLASSIC colour collection have increased over the decades to the current 216 shades and it is continually being adapted to the changing requirements of public institutions and private industry. The RAL CLASSIC collection includes shades which are used by public institutions and almost every sector of private industry or serve a higher public interest.

The basis for the reproduction of matt shades is the RAL 840-HR colour register, while it is the RAL 841-GL colour register for glossy shades. The registers serve as the colour template for designs and formulations of colour shades by industry, but also include safety and signal colours and satisfy the colour requirements of DIN standards.

As a result of its intense, fresh shades and metallic colours as well as the contrasting grey shades, the RAL CLASSIC colour collection has continuously expanded its area of application. In addition to the original application in the field of standardisation of industrial processes as well as its use in the public sector, designers from a wide range of disciplines in more than 150 countries and in every continent now rely on the variety of the colour collection.

An overview of the light reflectance values for the colour shades of the RAL CLASSIC colour palette is available in the download area.

All Products from ral CLASSIC

https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k1-farbtonblock/ral-k1-farbtonblock-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k1-farbtonblock/ral-k1-farbtonblock-teaser.jpgRAL K1 Colour bookletThe RAL CLASSIC K1 colour booklet provides the perfect introduction to RAL CLASSIC colours! For quick colour matches and combinations./en/ral-k1-colour-bookletLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-k1-colour-booklet.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94e
RAL K1 FarbtonblockRAL
RAL K1 Colour booklet
The RAL CLASSIC K1 colour booklet provides the perfect introduction to RAL CLASSIC colours! For quick colour matches and combinations.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k4-ringordner/ral-k4-ringordner-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k4-ringordner/ral-k4-ringordner-teaser.jpgRAL K4 Ring binderDefine colours easily and simply with the RAL K4 Ring binder. All RAL CLASSIC colours in large format./en/ral-k4-ring-binderLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-k4-ring-binder.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94e9e642b4a1f764cd8bcd5717bca8016da
RAL K4 RingordnerRAL
RAL K4 Ring binder
Define colours easily and simply with the RAL K4 Ring binder. All RAL CLASSIC colours in large format.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k4-einzelbogen/ral-k4-einzelbogen-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k4-einzelbogen/ral-k4-einzelbogen-teaser.jpgRAL K4 Single sheetUse RAL K4 single sheets from the RAL CLASSIC colour palette for creative planning and design./en/ral-k4-single-sheetLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/colour-samples/ral-classic/ral-k4-single-sheets.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94ed14b1b56a99b4dfd805fc3e14e21c92c
Mehrere RAL K4 Einzelbogen liegen auf einem hellen Holzuntergrund übereinander. Das oberste ist dunkelblau und wird von einem Farbmuster verdeckt, dass mit der Rückseite nach oben liegt, sodass der RAL Code lesbar ist. Neben den Einzelbogen liegt ein Bild von einer grünen Pflanze in Nahaufnahme. | RAL FARBEN

Several RAL K4 Single sheets lie one above the other on a light wooden background. The top one is dark blue and is covered by a colour sample that is facing up so that the RAL code is readable. Next to the single sheets is a close-up picture of a green plant. | RAL COLOURSRAL
RAL K4 Single sheet
Use RAL K4 single sheets from the RAL CLASSIC colour palette for creative planning and design.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k5-semi-matt/ral-k5-semi-matt-water-based-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k5-semi-matt/ral-k5-semi-matt-water-based-teaser.jpgRAL K5 semi-mattThe RAL K5 Colour fan semi-matt offers a complete overview of the RAL CLASSIC colours in the gloss level semi-matt with water based coatings./en/ral-k5-semi-mattLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-k5-colour-fan-semi-matt.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94ece285a05b75d43ebace3c960aecd81bc
Der RAL K5 Farbfächer semi-matt auf Wasserbasis liegt aufgefächert auf einer Unterlage neben weiteren Materialien | RAL FARBEN

The RAL K5 Colour fan semi-matt water based lies fanned out on a surface next to other materials | RAL COLOURSRAL
RAL K5 semi-matt
The RAL K5 Colour fan semi-matt offers a complete overview of the RAL CLASSIC colours in the gloss level semi-matt with water based coatings.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k5-gloss/ral-k5-gloss-water-based-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k5-gloss/ral-k5-gloss-water-based-teaser.jpgRAL K5 glossThe RAL K5 Colour fan gloss shows the RAL CLASSIC colours with water based coatings in gloss level gloss in full-surface format./en/ral-k5-glossLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-k5-colour-fan-gloss.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94e463cc25992d04dbebd5b285264cd7d20
Der RAL K5 Farbfächer gloss auf Wasserbasis liegt aufgefächert auf einer Unterlage neben weiteren Materialien | RAL FARBEN

The RAL K5 Colour fan gloss water based lies fanned out on a surface next to other materials | RAL COLOURSRAL
RAL K5 gloss
The RAL K5 Colour fan gloss shows the RAL CLASSIC colours with water based coatings in gloss level gloss in full-surface format.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k6-box/ral-k6-box-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k6-box/ral-k6-box-teaser.jpgRAL K6 BoxThe RAL K6 Box contains all 216 colours of the RAL CLASSIC colour collection as a set of all Single sheets in the practical DIN A 6 format. For creative, flexible design with proven colours./en/ral-k6-boxLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-k6-box.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserca3871136606b45d7abe74828ca29e1f9
RAL K6 Box. Die Box ist geöffnet, mittig auf dem Bild und schräg positioniert. Im Vordergrund sind einige Gestaltungs-Accessoires zu erkennen. Im Hintergrund befindet sich der Deckel der Box so aufgestellt, dass die Aufschrift "RAL K6 Box" lesbar ist. | RAL FARBEN

RAL K6 Box. The box is open, positioned in the middle of the picture and at an angle. Some design accessories can be seen in the foreground. In the background, the lid of the box is positioned so that the inscription "RAL K6 Box" is legible. | RAL COLOURSRAL
RAL K6 Box
The RAL K6 Box contains all 216 colours of the RAL CLASSIC colour collection as a set of all Single sheets in the practical DIN A 6 format. For creative, flexible design with proven colours.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k6-einzelbogen-a6/ral-k6-einzelbogen-a6-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k6-einzelbogen-a6/ral-k6-einzelbogen-a6-teaser.jpgRAL K6 Single SheetsThe colour samples in A6 format are available in all RAL CLASSIC colours and are perfect for flexible use in creative design projects./en/ral-k6-single-sheet-a6Learn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/colour-samples/ral-classic/ral-k6-single-sheets.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc90988f4f8290403191f41fd47a1f58f6
Verschiedene RAL K6 Einzelbogen im DIN A6 Format liegen auf einem Untergrund gemeinsam mit anderen Farb- und Materialmustern. Unten links sind zwei RAL K6 Einzelbogen mit der Rückseite nach oben zu sehen, sodass die Farbbezeichnung und der Farbcode lesbar sind. | RAL FARBEN

Various RAL K6 Single sheets in DIN A6 format lie on a surface together with other colour and material samples. At the bottom left you can see two RAL K6 Single sheets with the back facing upwards so that the colour name and colour code can be read. | RAL COLOURSRAL
RAL K6 Single Sheets
The colour samples in A6 format are available in all RAL CLASSIC colours and are perfect for flexible use in creative design projects.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k7-farbfaecher/ral-k7-colour-fan-water-based-teaser-2.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-k7-farbfaecher/ral-k7-colour-fan-water-based-teaser-2.jpgRAL K7 Colour fanThe handy RAL K7 colour fan with 216 water based RAL CLASSIC colours supports you in the office and on the construction site./en/ral-k7-colour-fanLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-k7-colour-fan.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94e6bcb03af45e94acd9b5604ccb0f57fb8
RAL K7 Farbfächer | RAL FARBEN
Das Bild zeigt einen RAL K7 Farbfächer der RAL CLASSIC Farbsammlung, der als Teil einer Collage auf verschiedenen Materialien liegt. Der Fächer ist aufgefächert und zeigt zahlreiche Farbtöne.

RAL K7 colour fan | RAL COLOURS
The picture shows a RAL K7 colour fan from the RAL CLASSIC colour collection, which lies on various materials as part of a collage. The fan is fanned out and shows numerous colour tones.RAL
RAL K7 Colour fan
The handy RAL K7 colour fan with 216 water based RAL CLASSIC colours supports you in the office and on the construction site.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-p1-kunststofffarbmuster-set/ral-p1-kunststofffarbmuster-set-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-p1-kunststofffarbmuster-set/ral-p1-kunststofffarbmuster-set-teaser.jpgRAL P1 Plastic colour sample setThe RAL P1 set contains the 100 most popular RAL CLASSIC colours as plastic samples./en/ral-p1-plastic-colour-sample-setLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-p1-plastic-colour-sample-set.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94edd9efbd174fb4369abeb776baf7218ce
RAL P1 Kunststofffarbmuster SetRAL
RAL P1 Plastic colour sample set
The RAL P1 set contains the 100 most popular RAL CLASSIC colours as plastic samples.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-design-system-plus/ral-p1-p2-kunststofffarbmuster-set/ral-p1-p2-kunststofffarbmuster-set-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-design-system-plus/ral-p1-p2-kunststofffarbmuster-set/ral-p1-p2-kunststofffarbmuster-set-teaser.jpgRAL P1 + P2 Plastic colour sample setThe RAL P1 + P2 set reproduces the 300 most popular colours from the RAL CLASSIC AND RDS+ palettes as plastic samples./en/ral-p1-p2-plastic-colour-sample-setLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-p1-p2-colour-box-set.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94eaf52bff13a314fa091672a1fa466b743
RAL P1 + P2 Kunststofffarbmuster SetRAL
RAL P1 + P2 Plastic colour sample set
The RAL P1 + P2 set reproduces the 300 most popular colours from the RAL CLASSIC AND RDS+ palettes as plastic samples.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-p1-kunststofffarbmuster/ral-p1-kunststofffarbmuster-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-p1-kunststofffarbmuster/ral-p1-kunststofffarbmuster-teaser.jpgRAL P1 Plastic colour sampleRAL P1 brings together 100 RAL CLASSIC colours in the form of samples made from plastic. Binding colour sample in accordance with RAL standards./en/ral-p1-plastic-colour-sampleLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/colour-samples/ral-classic/ral-p1-single-colour-plates.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94e1bfa1db9c95d46b490887cea75b1c5b8
RAL P1 KunststofffarbmusterRAL
RAL P1 Plastic colour sample
RAL P1 brings together 100 RAL CLASSIC colours in the form of samples made from plastic. Binding colour sample in accordance with RAL standards.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-840-hr-farbregister/ral-840-hr-farbregister-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-840-hr-farbregister/ral-840-hr-farbregister-teaser.jpgRAL 840-HR Colour primary standard setThe RAL 840-HR colour primary standard set contains 216 RAL CLASSIC colours in a semi-matt finish. Binding colour samples bright and long-lasting./en/ral-840-hr-colour-primary-standard-setLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-840-hr-colour-primary-standard-set.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94e907a0c5781dc471f99a3df56f2d78a75
RAL 840-HR Farbregister | RAL FARBEN
Das Bild zeigt das RAL 840-HR Farbregister der Farbsammlung RAL CLASSIC. Alle Farbtöne aus RAL CLASSIC sind als Farbregisterkarten in einem Alu-Koffer gesammelt. Der Koffer steht geöffnet auf einem hellen Holztisch.

RAL 840-HR Colour primary standard set | RAL COLOURS
The picture shows the RAL 840-HR Colour primary standard set from the RAL CLASSIC colour collection. All RAL CLASSIC colours are collected as colour primary standard cards in an aluminum case. The suitcase stands open on a light wooden table.
RAL 840-HR Colour primary standard set
The RAL 840-HR colour primary standard set contains 216 RAL CLASSIC colours in a semi-matt finish. Binding colour samples bright and long-lasting.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-840-hr-farbregisterkarte/ral-840-hr-farbregisterkarte-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-840-hr-farbregisterkarte/ral-840-hr-farbregisterkarte-teaser.jpgRAL 840-HR Colour primary standard cardRAL 840-HR single cards present 216 RAL CLASSIC colours with a semi-matt surface finish./en/ral-840-hr-colour-primary-standard-cardLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-840-hr-colour-primary-standard-card-colour-series-1000.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94eed362502015947ae967f62cdb97d7c4e
RAL 840-HR Farbregisterkarte 
RAL 840-HR Primary standard cardRAL
RAL 840-HR Colour primary standard card
RAL 840-HR single cards present 216 RAL CLASSIC colours with a semi-matt surface finish.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-841-gl-farbregister/ral-841-gl-farbregister-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-841-gl-farbregister/ral-841-gl-farbregister-teaser.jpgRAL 841-GL Colour primary standard setThe RAL 841-GL Colour primary standard set contains 199 RAL CLASSIC colours as high gloss samples on separate cards. Binding colour sample./en/ral-841-gl-colour-primary-standard-setLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-841-gl-colour-primary-standard-set.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94ea265936a121640bfb58e9d5720b77248
RAL 841-GL Farbregister
RAL 841-GL Primary standard setRAL
RAL 841-GL Colour primary standard set
The RAL 841-GL Colour primary standard set contains 199 RAL CLASSIC colours as high gloss samples on separate cards. Binding colour sample.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-841-gl-farbregisterkarte/ral-841-gl-farbregisterkarte-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-841-gl-farbregisterkarte/ral-841-gl-farbregisterkarte-teaser.jpgRAL 841-GL Colour primary standard cardRAL CLASSIC 841-GL Colour primary standard cards – 199 RAL CLASSIC colours with high gloss surface finish./en/ral-841-gl-colour-primary-standard-cardLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-841-gl-colour-primary-standard-card-colour-series-1000.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94ea265936a121640bfb58e9d5720b77248847fdfebd07c4dc686a51ca57b70ebfc
RAL 841-GL Farbregisterkarte 
RAL 841-GL Primary standard cardRAL
RAL 841-GL Colour primary standard card
RAL CLASSIC 841-GL Colour primary standard cards – 199 RAL CLASSIC colours with high gloss surface finish.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-f9-farbregisterkarte/ral-f9-farbregisterkarte-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-f9-farbregisterkarte/ral-f9-farbregisterkarte-teaser.jpgRAL F9 Colour primary standard cardThe RAL F9 Colour primary standard cards illustrate the nine camouflage colours of the German Federal Armed Forces with a dull-matt surface./en/ral-f9-colour-primary-standard-cardLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-f9-colour-primary-standard-card.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc59f1605b4ae446aabdbeb0935debb94ea265936a121640bfb58e9d5720b772488f4255f502b04ef1992accdb1a7ea28e
RAL F9 Farbregisterkarte. Das Bild zeigt das verbindliche Farbmuster zu den Bundeswehrtarnfarben. Exemplarisch liegt die Farbe "Tarngrau" mittig, zugefaltet. Im Hintergrund sind weitere Tarnfarben zu sehen. | RAL FARBEN

RAL F9 colour primary standard card. The picture shows the binding colour samples for the Bundeswehr camouflage colours. As an example, the colour “camouflage grey” is in the middle, folded. More camouflage colours can be seen in the background. | RAL COLOURSRAL
RAL F9 Colour primary standard card
The RAL F9 Colour primary standard cards illustrate the nine camouflage colours of the German Federal Armed Forces with a dull-matt surface.
https://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classichttps://ral-farben.de/en/ral-classic/en//ral-classic.aspx/en/ral-classic.aspxGET25.03.2025 17:4825. März 202520250325174827Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:48:27 GMT17:4813DienstagMärz3.135.246.28/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-digitale-farbbibliothek/ral-farbbibliotheken-teaser.jpg/img/farbwelt/ral-classic/ral-digitale-farbbibliothek/ral-farbbibliotheken-teaser.jpgRAL Digital colour library – RAL CLASSICWork digitally with the 216 colours from RAL CLASSIC. The colour library of the RAL colour palette is available for download and can be quickly and easily implemented in your graphics software./en/ral-digital-colour-libraryLearn morehttps://shop.ral-farben.de/en/ral-digital/ral-digital-colour-library-ral-classic.htmlOrder nowProduktteaserc54353919840d4a7f86337edfa84dac5e
RAL digitale Farbbibliotheken | RAL FARBEN
Das Bild zeigt eine Architektursoftware, in der ein Bauwerk mit unterschiedlichen grünen RAL Farben eingefärbt wird. Hierbei kann man die verschiedenen Farbkacheln mit den Farbbezeichnungen sehen.

RAL digital colour libraries | RAL COLOURS
The picture shows architectural software in which a building is coloured with different green RAL colours. You can also see different colour tiles with the colour names.RAL
RAL Digital colour library – RAL CLASSIC
Work digitally with the 216 colours from RAL CLASSIC. The colour library of the RAL colour palette is available for download and can be quickly and easily implemented in your graphics software.