Farbseminare und Workshops | RAL FARBEN
Nahaufnahme von Händen, die Farbchips in ein Raster nach Helligkeit einsortieren.

Colour seminars and workshops | RAL COLOURS
Close-up of hands sorting colour chips into a grid according to lightness.
Workshops & Seminars

Workshops and Seminars in Colour Design

The RAL ACADEMY regularly organises events and further training courses, such as practical workshops and seminars in the field of colour.
From basic topics such as colour standards, colour systems and colour theory, to the effect and strategic use of colour, the use of trend colours and the development of colour and material concepts, the range of content is extensive. There are also events that examine the topic of colour in specific contexts and areas of application - for example façade design, colour in interior design, healthcare or new work, colour in product design, collection development and much more.

We are always open to suggestions for new events. We are also happy to organise individual events. From lunch talks in offices and agencies to short workshops and seminars lasting several days, we respond to individual wishes and the needs of specific industries. If you are interested, please contact us – we will find the right event concept for you!

The colour seminars and workshops also offer the opportunity to get to know various RAL tools and the RAL CLASSIC, RAL EFFECT and RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus colour palettes and put them into practice.

We regularly visit colleges and universities to hold workshops with students or to pass on RAL colour knowledge in lectures. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us for further information.

Current events

Further events will follow.

Find out all the latest news about RAL COLOURS as well as workshops and seminars - subscribe to our newsletter now!

06. August 2024

This event is all about colour and textiles in the office of the future. Find out more!

Colour Seminars & Workshops with professional speakers

All events, seminars, training courses and workshops are held by professional colour designers. RAL COLOURS is represented in the field of colour design and colour training by the colour designers Lina Schmidt and Melissa Lindemeyer, founders of the design studio Farbkultur.design.

Depending on the event, we cooperate with other experts from education, industry, architecture, interior design and leading companies from the creative sector.

Colour is more than just a visual and aesthetic element - it is a powerful means of communication that evokes emotions and transforms spaces. Especially the methodical and systematic design with colour is essential to develop sustainable colour concepts. The right choice of colour can completely change the ambiance of a space and, when used strategically, optimise product perception. In our workshops at the RAL Academy, we impart both theoretical knowledge and practical applications, always with the aim of supporting and inspiring participants in their project work through strategic colour design.

Melissa Lindemeyer and Lina Schmidt

Melissa Lindemeyer and Lina Schmidt
Would you like to find out more about RAL COLOURS seminars and workshops?

Please feel free to contact us!