RAL Colours Newsletter – Take a Look and Sign Up

Subscribe to RAL Newsletter and you get all the news and interesting facts of the world of RAL Colours right on your email inbox. The RAL Colours team keeps you up to date about new RAL Colours products, workshops, fair participation and exhibitions at home and abroad, about the latest colour trends and activities of RAL Colours across the world. Let yourself be surprised!

The RAL newsletter informs about special topics. It is creative, free and brief. You will find our past newsletter in the newsletter archive.

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Newsletter Archive


An unbeatable double: RAL K5 gloss and semi-matt now water based
The popular RAL K5 Colour fan is now produced with water based paints. This means that around 90 % of VOC emissions can be reduced compared to conventional nitrocellulose lacquer production. The full-surface colour fan is available in two versions, gloss level gloss and gloss level semi-matt.


RAL COLOURS Christmas Mail - Review 2024
The year 2024 is drawing to a close – and what a year it has been! For us at RAL COLOURS, it has been a year full of exciting developments, inspiring projects and major awards. Time has flown by and we would like to take this opportunity to look back on some of the highlights with you.

The Trend Colour Palette for the coming years - RAL COLOUR FEELING 2026+
The new RAL COLOUR FEELING 2026+ colour trend report shows what the colour trends of the future will look like. Under the title KNOW + IMPROVE, a 15-part colour palette offers inspiring solutions for creative challenges in design, architecture, industry, trade and commerce.

Invitation: Live presentation on 24.09.24 for RAL COLOUR FEELING 2026+
The launch of the new RAL COLOUR FEELING 2026+ colour trend report is coming soon. Be part of it on 24 September 2024 when the 15-part colour palette and the new RAL Trendbox will be presented. You will also learn about exciting background details and various application options.

The new Colour Trend Report is coming soon
The new RAL COLOUR FEELING 2026+ will be presented on 24 September 2024. This issue of the trend report with the 15-part colour palette is entitled KNOW + IMPROVE. Look forward to the colours that will shape our future and find out more about the background to the trend report and the new RAL Trendbox.

RAL K7 Colour Fan on Water Base
We are pleased to inform you about our new edition of the popular RAL K7 water based colour fan. It is now available. Made in Germany, the colour fan contains all 216 shades of the RAL CLASSIC colour collection in water based colours and, at the same time, offers the usual RAL precision and colour fidelity.

Did you know? RAL COLOURS offers these services
RAL COLOURS is primarily known for its colour fans and colour samples as well as the standardisation of over 2,500 colour shades. In addition to offering these and other products as well as the popular RAL colour shades, RAL COLOURS offers a wide range of services.


RAL COLOURS Christmas mail - Review 2023
Also this year, we would like to take the opportunity to take a look back at the past year and provide an outlook for 2024.

These are the trend colours for 2025+! RAL COLOUR FEELING 2025+
We are again looking towards the coming years and have compiled the trend colour palette for 2025+. This year's trend report RAL COLOUR FEELING 2025+ is entitled CARE + COLLABORATE and is complemented for holistic design in practice by the RAL Trendbox 2025+ as a material collection.

Which colours will be relevant for 2025+? Save the Date!
On Thursday, 28.09.2023 at 1:00 p.m. (CEST) the new colour trend report RAL COLOUR FEELING 2025+ will be released.

Save the Date! RAL COLOUR FEELING 2025+
On 28.09.2023 at 1:00 p.m. the presentation of the forthcoming colour trend report RAL COLOUR FEELING 2025+ will take place! Which colour combinations will shape our environment in the future?

NEW: RAL Digital colour libraries for downloading
Digitalisation is influencing many areas of our lives - including our work. Digital planning and design in particular are now an integral part of everyday life in architecture and design. At the same time, new processes open up possibilities for try-outs and experimentation. In this way, material, surface and colour can be harmonised in early planning phases and interfaces can be better coordinated. Simultaneously, the individual planning and design steps can be linked more easily and holistically.

RAL D2 Colour Fan now optimised
We are pleased to inform you about our new, optimised edition of the popular RAL D2 colour fan. It is available as of immediately. The colour fan contains all 1,825 finely graded colour shades of the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus and thus offers a multitude of nuances for the most diverse areas of application.


RAL COLOURS News December 2022
Once again RAL COLOURS is part of the publication series "The Major Brands in Germany" and in addition to the colour trend report RAL COLOUR FEELING 2023+ the innovative RAL Trend Box is available for the first time this year. With the RAL K6 Box and the RAL K6 single sheets we have rounded off the RAL CLASSIC assortment and are constantly working on making shopping in the RAL Online Shop even easier and safer.

The new trend report is available: RAL COLOUR FEELING 2023+
In the current trend report titled SHARE + APPLY you will find the 15 trend colours for 2023 and beyond, background information of the colour selection as well as many application examples.

RAL COLOURS Special Newsletter September 2022
The RAL K6 Box bundles all 216 colour tones of the global leading RAL CLASSIC colour collection in one set. The individual sheets in the practical A6 format are perfectly supporting creative design processes from the first idea to the final draft.

10% discount on RAL INDIVIDUAL
RAL INDIVIDUAL is the perfect solution for all those who want to clarify their expertise and provide their customers with a very special advertising medium.

RAL Colours News February 2022
In these times, places of good design can become special places of well-being for us. Today, terms such as sustainability, flexibility and holistic approaches are at the centre of architecture and design. However, to call these developments trends would be too short-sighted; rather, they are transformational changes that have a permanent impact on our work.


Once again we are pleased to present you our latest trend report „RAL COLOUR FEELING 2022+“.

We present the new design concepts to you with the title „RELATE+SUPPORT“.

RAL COLOURS News July 2021
Since mid-April, the new RAL COLOURS website is online. Today we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your positive feedback and perhaps even more for your further comments and suggestions. The website only stays active due to this dialogue with you and provides you with a wide range of information on the topic of colour design. Those who have not yet been able to discover the new website are warmly welcome to take a look at

RAL COLOURS Special Newsletter April 2021
For nearly 100 years RAL has been a competent partner for professional colour experts from all over the world. Each day, we come in contact with RAL colours in many areas of our lifes. This long tradition has always been a motivation for us to provide our customers and partners with attractive and modern design tools.


RAL COLOURS Special Newsletter October 2020
Which colour space will be relevant for designers in the years to come? How can these colour shades be easily combined with basic design principles? And what meaning do these newly emerging combinations have for the currently developing new worlds we live and work in?

We look forward to presenting the answers to these and many more questions about colour design of the future during a very special online event: Presentation of RAL COLOUR FEELINGS 2021+

RAL COLOURS News October 2020
In our latest edition we take you on a wonderful conjunction between history and modern times. The object report on the City Gate Bremen impressively shows how these apparent contrasts can be joined together in an elegant way.

RAL COLOURS summer news
Most of us are still affected by the Corona issue every day; many aspects will be our permanent companion for quite a long time with regard to our professional and private life. The cancellation of major trade fairs and personal events has made it clear to us how rapidly our world is currently changing. This also applies to the area of colour and colour design, not least because of its close link to materiality and surface design.


Our last Newsletter in 2018 should already make you curious about next year. Lots of highlights await us and we would like to give you a taste of what’s to come today.

Special newsletter RAL COLOURS
To mark the 25th anniversary of the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM, RAL COLOURS is launching a completely redefined product line onto the market. Younger, fresher and with a plus in design freedom.

Newsletter August - Saison change is colour change
After a summer of extremes, the cooler season begins again with a new natural spectacle and the definition of new trend colours.
In our latest publication we are already looking at the trend colours for the summer season 2020. There’s no telling yet: Are there trends that have come to stay or are the (colour) cards being reshuffled once again?

We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter!

Newsletter July 2018 - Summer with RAL COLOURS
The current newsletter promises summer, sun and feel-good-time. The clear quality criteria of the RAL quality mark for solar energy systems (RAL Gütezeichen Solarenergieanlagen) and our RAL DESIGN SYSTEM colour atlas D4 help here. Those who are already interested in the colours of the season after next will certainly enjoy the ChromaZone Workshop, together with the Color Marketing Group.

The RAL COLOURS newsletter now in a new look
Just in time for spring the RAL COLOURS newsletter shines in new splendour! With the redesign and the newly created sections, you can now not only cover a single topic, but also see at a glance what RAL Colours have to report on everything new. Continue reading!

25 years of RAL DESIGN SYSTEM - innovation and reliability. Worldwide.
The RAL DESIGN SYSTEM is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. With its 1,625 systematically ordered, colorimetrically defined color shades, the system is considered a perfect instrument for individual color designs for anyone who deals professionally with the topics of colour and surface design.

Cooperation of RAL and markilux
RAL COLOURS enters into an exclusive five-year cooperation with the awning manufacturer markilux from Emsdetten. Starting in 2018, end customers will be able to get their awning in their desired colour our of 1,625 RAL colours.

German Design Award for RAL COLOURS
For the fourth time, RAL COLOURS has been awarded the international Design Award for its innovative product and communication design.

Book Presentation at imm cologne 2018
From January 15th to 21st, 2018, the Koelnmesse opens its doors to the world's leading furniture fair.