RAL FARBEN becomes a brand of the century
After being accepted on the “German standards – Brands of the century” brand project, RAL FARBEN is moving into the elite group of German brands. At the anniversary edition of “German standards – Brands of the century 2022”, the ZEIT publishing group is presenting an illustrated book with over 200 major, well-known German brands.
What many users of RAL FARBEN products have already known for a long time, has now also been confirmed officially: RAL FARBEN was accepted into the exclusive group of high-quality German brands as part of the “German standards – Brands of the century” project. This impressively proves that the brand stands for compliance with the highest quality standards and has also credibly represented this to the outside world for many years.
The brand project has been bringing top German brands together for approximately 40 years and therefore represents a type of “Who’s who” for premium brands. The awarding of the “Brands of the century” is guided by binding, transparent rules and a high-quality panel makes the selection. It assessed the RAL FARBEN brand for the “Colour standard” product category as a brand of the century.
“For RAL FARBEN this award is further proof that the brand enjoys a high level of trust and loyalty among its stakeholders through its modern, long-term brand management in conjunction with the binding definition of colour standards. In a market environment which is characterised by constantly changing framework conditions, our portfolio consisting of reliably defined colour standards and flexible design tools built on the latter represents a perfect symbiosis for designers in wide-ranging sectors and on every continent”, said Markus Frentrop, Head of RAL FARBEN.
RAL is the applied language of colour throughout the world. With the RAL CLASSIC and RAL EFFECT colour collection as well as the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus, RAL offers professional colour users a wide-ranging selection of precise colour samples. The spectrum of RAL colours includes a total of 2,540 shades. RAL FARBEN products range from colour charts, plastic standards and digital solutions to colour design and trend booklets. More information at www.ral-farben.de
For further information and a digital view of the book: www.deutsche-standards.de
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